As per Schedule 1 of the Amended General B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice, a B-BBEE Controlled and B-BBEE Owned Company is defined as follows:
“B-BBEE Controlled Company means a juristic person, having shareholding or similar members interest, in which black participants enjoy a right to Exercisable Voting Rights that is at least 51% of the total such rights measured using the Flow Through Principle”
“B-BBEE Owned Company means a juristic person, having shareholding or similar members interest, that is B-BBEE controlled, in which Black participants enjoy a right to Economic Interest that is at least 51% of the total such rights measured using the Flow Through Principle;”
Technical Compliance Services are available to assist Members in understanding definitions under Schedule 1 of the Amended General B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice.