The SANAS Website publishes information on all accredited B-BBEE Rating Agencies, which, apart from the contact details, includes:
o The unique SANAS accreditation number;
o The date of SANAS accreditation and the expiry;
o The status of accreditation, which could include one of the following:
Accredited | A B-BBEE Rating agency has successfully passed the SANAS accreditation process and applied to retain its status as a SANAS Accredited B-BBEE Rating Agency.
Expired | When a B-BBEE Rating Agency has allowed its SANAS Accreditation to expire.
Withdrawn | Where a B-BBEE Rating Agency either voluntarily or involuntarily withdraws its accreditation.
Suspended | SANAS has issued a B-BBEE Rating Agency with a serious non-conformance/s regarding their B-BBEE Verification processes and procedures that needs to be addressed. A B-BBEE Rating Agency may retain its accreditation status depending on the result of actions implemented.
o The scope of Accreditation, which is a certificate that states what B-BBEE Code of Good Practice they are accredited to measure. For example, there may be an accreditation allowing a B-BBEE Rating Agency to conduct a B-BBEE Verification on the General, Construction and Financial Services B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. However, without specific accreditation, it would not be able to conduct a B-BBEE Verification on the Tourism B-BBEE Sector Codes of Good Practice.
Therefore, before choosing a B-BBEE Rating Agency, an organisation must check its Scope of Accreditation to ensure that it can conduct a B-BBEE Verification on the relevant Sector Code of Good Practice. If a B-BBEE Rating Agency conducts a B-BBEE Verification on a Sector Code of Good Practice they are not accredited to measure, the B-BBEE Certificate issued on this basis will be null and void.
B-BBEE Verification Services are available to advise Members in relation to this area.